Poprzednie seminaria KTOiS

Referaty planowane w roku akademickim 2023/2024

11, 18 stycznia 2024, Ewa Woźny

TALK TITLE: Optimal and parameter-free method of mass transport for image morphing
ABSTARCT: We will present an optimal method for computing elastic registration and warping maps based on the Monge–Kantorovich theory of optimal mass transport, which is parameter-free, symmetrical, and able to consider changes in density. The approach is demonstrated with practical algorithms, showcasing applications in medical image registration and morphing.
The talk is based on:
Haker, S., Zhu, L., Tannenbaum, A. et al. Optimal Mass Transport for Registration and Warping. International Journal of Computer Vision 60, 225–240 (2004). https://doi.org/10.1023/B:VISI.0000036836.66311.97

<< Wstecz

Data opublikowania: 22.01.2024
Osoba publikująca: Krzysztof Bartosz