Poprzednie seminaria KTOiS

Referaty planowane w roku akademickim 2023/2024

21 grudnia 2023, 11 stycznia 2024, Dominika Wilczyńska

TALK TITLE: Simple models of motion in a changing gravitational field 

ABSTRACT: We will introduce some models of a Newtonian gravitational field. Firstly, we will focus on a gravitational field on a planet (where M >> m) and we will include air resistance, then we will analyze two-body problem of test particles.

The talk is based on: 

1. Mathematical Modelling In One Dimension - An Introduction Via Difference And Differential Equations, Jacek Banasiak
2. Motion in a combined Newtonian gravitational field, H.I. Alrebdi, Norah A.M. Alsaif, A.F. Steklain, E.E. Zotos

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Data opublikowania: 16.12.2023
Osoba publikująca: Krzysztof Bartosz