Poprzednie seminaria KTOiS

Referaty planowane w roku akademickim 2023/2024

23 listopada 2023, Michał Jureczka

TALK TITLE: Physical Design using Differentiable Learned Simulators
ABSTRACT: Designing physical artifacts that serve a purpose—such as tools and other functional structures—is central to engineering as well as everyday human behavior. Though automating design has tremendous promise, general-purpose methods do not yet exist. Here we explore a simple, fast, and robust approach to inverse design which combines learned forward simulators based on graph neural networks with gradient-based design optimization. Our approach solves high-dimensional problems with complex physical dynamics, including designing surfaces and tools to manipulate fluid flows and optimizing the shape of an airfoil to minimize drag. This framework produces highquality designs by propagating gradients through trajectories of hundreds of steps, even when using models that were pre-trained for single-step predictions on data substantially different from the design tasks. In our fluid manipulation tasks, the resulting designs outperformed those found by sampling-based optimization techniques. In airfoil design, they matched the quality of those obtained with a specialized solver. Our results suggest that despite some remaining challenges, machine learning-based simulators are maturing to the point where they can support general-purpose design optimization across a variety of domains.
The talk will be based on the paper: Kelsey R. Allen, Tatiana Lopez-Guevara, Kimberly Stachenfeld, Alvaro Sanchez-Gonzalez, Peter Battaglia, Jessica Hamrick, Tobias Pfaff, Physical Design using Differentiable Learned Simulators,

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Data opublikowania: 24.11.2023
Osoba publikująca: Krzysztof Bartosz