Poprzednie seminaria

Referaty planowane w roku akademickim 2023/2024

24 października 2023, Grzegorz Jamróz

TEMAT:   Dissipation and characteristics in nonlinear dispersive equations Opis:   I will discuss how methods based on nonunique characteristics yield results related to structure and uniqueness of solutions of equations of KdV type. I will focus on the Hunter-Saxton equation known from the theory of liquid crystals and the Camassa-Holm equation used to model waves in shallow canals. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Informacje o minionych i nadchodzących seminariach można znaleźć również pod adresem http://www.kos.ii.uj.edu.pl/pl_PL/rrc-seminar

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Data opublikowania: 20.10.2023
Osoba publikująca: Krzysztof Bartosz